財団法人 神戸青年会議所


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第44代 理事長 President

生年月日 昭和38 年11月30日  血液型 B型
出身地 大阪府
住所 神戸市垂水区
勤務先 北野田開発株式会社 代表取締役
学歴 1986年 3月 国士舘大学 政経学部 卒業
1989年 9月入会,会員拡大特別委員会委員
1990年 総務委員会委員
1991年 F.T .プ ログラム特別委員会委員
1992年 広報委員会 幹事
1993年 都市機能活性化委員会委員, 日本JC総務委員会委員
1994年 専務室副委員長
1995年 世界会議メモリアル特別委員会 担当理事(理事)
1996年 常務理事
1997年 専務理事
1998年 副理事長
1999年 法制顧問
2000年 副理事長
2001年 監事,日本JC50周年記念推進会議委員

梅田 稔
Umeda, Minoru
Fujihara, Takaharu
JC 交流室
日本JC 関係出向者会議担当
キラン・S ・セティ
Kiran S. Sethi
Yamamura, Takamichi
Nakano, Yuji
Yoneda, Atsushi

Realizing Our Dream
21 世紀この街の仕組みを今、創る

The design of our city in the 21st century

“We will make your dreams come true!” Wouldn ’t it be nice to live in such a city ?
Dreams and great imaginations bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to life.
A great sense of achievement is found,when your dreams come true.
You don ’t know if your dreams will come true until you actually go for it.
Kobe is a city that provides its citizens the opportunity to contemplate their dreams and creates an environment to pursue them.
We foster children to who can seize the day by making the most of their opportunities to pursue their dreams and lead a fulfilling life!

-> ENGLISH Version

 平成元年青年会議所に入会、JC 活動のなかで育てられて13年。
いま、JC メンバーとしての13年を振り返ったとき、忘れられないことがいくつかあります。先ず、1994 年国際青年会議所主催のJCI 世界会議神戸大会です。国際都市神戸を世界にアピールするため、すべてのメンバーが誘致に汗を流しました。神戸青年会議所が主管した神戸大会には世界から1万5千名を越える参加者が神戸に集まりました。21 世紀の集客都市づくりの大きな実験となりました。そして、そのわずか2 か月足らずの後に私たちは未曾有の大災害・阪神淡路大震災に遭遇したのです。6 千名を超える尊い生命が失われ、先人の努力のすべてが水泡に帰したと感じた瞬間でした。しかし、この震災のなか私たちは全国のJC メンバーの大きな力と暖かい心を受け取りました。そして、その後神戸で発生した背筋を凍らせた無残な青少年犯罪です。私は、こうした大きな出来事が起きるたびにJC メンバーとして、何ができるか、何をすべきかをいつも考えてきました。

2001 年、サッカーワールドカップが日韓共催事業として開催され、神戸も開催都市の1つとして大きな役割を担います。神戸はサッカーを始めとして多くのスポーツの海外からの伝播に大きな役割を果たしてきた歴史を持っています。ワールドカップの開催を期にスポーツを通して「夢を描く」仕組みをあらためて構築することが必要ではないでしょうか。
 スポーツを通して夢を描くためには、様々な環境が必要です。イチロー選手の活躍はメジャーの情報を多くの子どもたちに教えました。世界の実情を知ることで国際化時代にふさわしい子どもたちを育てます。スポーツ施設があっても子どもたちを指導する人材がいなければ子どもたちは育ちません。しかし一方で核家族化や少子化、学校教育の在り方など社会の問題も「夢」の阻害要因でもありました。2002 年度から小中学校の週休2 日制がスタートします。いままで以上に子どもたちの育成が大きな問題になってきます。子どもたちにスポーツや文化を通して夢を描く「仕組み」を提供することが求められてきます。 神戸にはオリックスブルーウェーブ、ヴィッセル神戸をはじめとするプロスポーツから神戸製鋼、ワールドなどの実業団チームや各種少年少女スポーツチームがあります。これらのチームが抱える問題点には共通のものがあると思います。「夢を描く」仕組みの構築がこれらの問題点の解決の道になるのではないかと思います。この仕組みが幅広いスポーツイベントの誘致や青少年育成事業、ボランティア団体とのネットワークを創造するとともに、神戸から日本を代表するアスリートたちを誕生させるきっかけにもなるでしょう。
 この「仕組み」は、スポーツに限らず、ジャズや演劇、書や踊りや伝統文化の育成にも大きな役割を果たしていきます。神戸の21 世紀を創造するための最も大切な仕組みとして文化の継承や創造に貢献していきたいと思います。

 震災から7年が経ち、低迷する地域経済は出口の見えない状況が続いています。21世紀の「神戸」がまだ発見されていないのです。こんなときだからこそ「原点」が大切です。神戸の持つ資産をもう一度見なおしてみようではありませんか。歴史に学び、歴史の資産を現代に置き換え、いまに活かせるものには何があるのか。これをJC メンバーとともに議論を重ね、新たなJC 活動に生かしてみたいと考えます。
 『交流』による創造が神戸独自の「新産業誘致」や既存産業の新たな発見を誘発します。「交流の場」の創造が「活きる街神戸」の基盤です。人が集まり交流の仕組みを持った神戸の新しいグランドデザインをいま一度JC メンバーと確認したいと思います。

 神戸青年会議所は、1958年大阪青年会議所をスポンサーJC として誕生しました。青年会議所の誕生には各地の多くの青年会議所との関わりがあります。そして、神戸JCは43年の歴史を積み重ねています。
 JC活動は、多くの近隣JCや組織継承に貢献してきたシニア会員と現役会員が共通の理念のもと、都市や地域の再編に関してあらゆるシミュレーションを行うことで大きな成果を求めなければなりません。JC 組織においても近年、経済情勢の悪化と共に、今まで見えなかった組織の弊害や社会起業家としてメンバーが学びあう機会(例会)のあり方を検討し、内外の様々な意見に耳を傾けるとともに地域の特性を活かしていくことがこれまで以上に必要になってきます。
 今年度は、近隣JC をはじめ、地域の各種団体等とできる限りの交流の機会を設けたり、事業の共有をはかっていくなど、JC 三信条である、奉仕・修練・友情が共有できる仕組みを考えたいと思います。



-> 日本語版

It has been 13 years since I have joined the Kobe Junior Chamber and actively engaged in numerous Jaycee relatedactivities. I recall this was during the change of the Showa era to the Heisei era and thus perhaps we were preparing ourselves for major changes.
There were a number of memorable events during the past 13 years of my Jaycee life,the highlight being the JCI World Congress held in Kobe 1994. A large number of people worked extremely hard in order to bring the 50th World Congress here,where over 15,000 delegates from around the world attended,to this cosmopolitan City of Kobe.
Two months after the World Congress,our city and the Greater Hanshin area,including Awaji island were hit and collapsed in 60 seconds by a devastating and unprecedented earthquake killing more than 6,000 people. Numerous treasures our predecessors had created and built were destroyed. However,the support and encouragement received from the Jaycees around the world had brought great hope and smiles tous.
Recently,I find serious concern and shock to all of us in the chilling and cruel acts of murder that had been committed by a young teenager. This news brought me to seriously thinking about what we should be doing as Jaycees and as members of the community to further support the development of our children in this community,nation and the world.

Realizing Dreams through Sports and Culture for the Youth
I operate a golf practice range as one of my businesses. After the earthquake,I was wondering if there was something we could do for the local community,as I was determined to bring positive thoughts to cheer up the people who went through the hardships of the earthquake and give them some sense of hope. As a result,I planned to invite Mr.Sakata,a renowned professional golfer and instructor,who heads the national golf school which provides children with free golf lessons. Through this school,I expect children to strive to become world class golfers in the future and believe that these golf classes will enable children not only to learn the basic techniques of playing golf,but also to gain the basic discipline needed in their lives,ultimately making them responsible adults. I plan to spend my whole life providing children with opportunities to realize their dreams through the medium of sports.
In 2002,The World Cup Football Games are being held jointly in Korea and Japan. Some of those matches will beheld in Kobe. Football,also known as soccer,golf and a number of other sports and games have been introduced to Japan through our friends from overseas.
We need to create an environment and a system which will enable our children to freely express themselves and achieve their dreams through sports and such related activities. It is time to reorganize and restructure our communities so that children can pursue avenues to identify and ‘realize their dreams ’ through the games of sports. Ichiro Suzuki ’s success has brought enthusiastic interest to Major League Baseball in the US to children all over Japan Such national heroes brought about through sports could become the guiding principles forour children to expand their views of the world.
In addition to an environment encouraging sports in the society,what we need are active adults to lead these children and instructors to pass on their techniques and knowledge. The challenge here includes the social changes in our society,such as the increase of the nuclear family structure,the trend of decreasing number of children per family and the outdated nature of our nation's formal educational system in the schools. From 2002,schools will be closed twice a week,versus once now giving children extra time to opportunities to participate in sports and cultural activities. However,our challenge is to guide these children to utilize this extra time to enhance their development as citizens of the community.
In Kobe,we have a number of professional sport teamssuch as the professional baseball team Orix Blue Wave and the popular professional soccer team Vissel Kobe along withot her corporate sponsored sport teams,such as Kobe Steel,the leader of the rugby league in Japan,and World Co.showing its strength in American football to mention a few. All these teams are continually facing challenges that are common to all sports teams of identifying and developing players. We feel that the City of Kobe should actively sponsorvarious sporting events inviting numerous teams in close co-operation with the various voluntary sports and youth organi-zations in order to develop the skills of top athletes who will represent Japan and lead the youth of the future.
This scheme of providing children with an opportunity to'realize their dreams'will play an important role not only in the area of sports but also in traditional cultural activities representative of Kobe such as jazz music,theater,calligraphy,and dances,which have a long been part of Kobe's history. We would like to continuously contribute our efforts in light the existence of the cultural diversities in Kobe and create abright century for Kobe.

Brilliant City Kobe
Seven years have passed since the earthquake,and regretfully,the local economy does not show signs of recovery or growth,neither do we seem to have a concrete solution. It is time for us now to begin by reevaluating Kobe and its strength. By reviewing the history of Kobe,how it came about andwhy it grew,we would like to suggest if there is there anything we can put into practical use.
I would like to discuss this matter with other Jaycee members,leaders of our community and implement an action planin the new activities of Jaycees. Kobe has always been knownfor its port and historically grew on this strategic position asthe center of domestic and international commerce. People visited Kobe from all over the world and brought forth unique cultural and industrial diversity. As a result,the citizens of Kobe have been constantly exposed to diverse cultures and accustomed to quickly understanding and embracing the foreign cultures and its practices..
The increased flow of products and information throughour port are critical factors for the economic development ofthe city of Kobe this has once led the growth of heavy industries in Kobe. Some of the proud employers in Kobe were the chemical and steel industries,which led the export trade from Kobe.However,as a result of globalization and shortenedproduct life cycles and the other changes the basic structuresof these industries brought about slower growth and challenging times for the city's leading companies.
We need to review the merits of having the ocean and mountain so close to the central part of our city.The ocean enables smooth “flow of human resources,merchandises,and infor-mation ”.Thus,we feel that the development of the Kobeairport is a complementary and necessary tool to enhance the diversity of our businesses and culture of Kobe.
The concept of "cultural exchange" had brought new industries to Kobe and also innovation to the current businessespractices. Our “Brilliant City of Kobe ” must serve as an ideal place for exchange of ideas,innovations and thoughts for all people. Along with the other Jaycee members,I wouldlike to review and debate,again,how Kobe can be reborn as acity where people gather together and exchange informationand great ideas.

Young Social Entrepreneurs Training Scheme
Kobe Junior Chamber was born in 1958 under the sponsorship of Osaka Junior Chamber along with support from otherJaycees. It has been 43 years since Kobe JC was born,but members always youthful and young,under 40. The members of the Kobe Junior chamber will pursue the economicand social enhancement of city of Kobe by sponsoring various business and social projects,while supporting proposals that provide effective city planning and reorganization of the community activities. We feel that this can be implemented jointly with local businesses,other Jaycees and the large number of senior members (those over 40)sharing our common goal.
With the difficulties we all continually face in the current economic environment,our challenge as Jaycees are to,through constructive criticism,alter those negative aspects ofour organization,and hold effective and efficient meetings producing clear results. We also need to attentively listen to the opinion of our members and other stakeholders,in order to bring the local attractive characteristics of our people andcity in our activities and projects.
This year,we are planning a number of events,activitiesand meetings with other local organizations that share our common interests. Through these activities and projects,we seek opportunities to share the three key principles of Jaycee,which are “to serve the community,train thyself,and nurture friendship ”.
Through active communication and sharing of responsibilities in successfully implementing the various projects or activities,the members of Kobe Jaycees will strive to create a wonderful structure of the city of KOBE.

副会頭 瀬戸口 仁三郎 (せとぐち にさぶろう)

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