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社団法人 神戸青年会議所
Menu 2003年度基本方針

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第45代 理事長 President
Kiran S. Sethi

生年月日 昭和40年8月28日
出身地 神戸市
国籍 米国
住所 神戸市中央区生田町2−2−25
勤務先 株式会社ジュピターインターナショナルコーポレーション 取締役専務
学歴 ノートルダム大学(米国インディアナ州) 卒業
                経営学修士 MBA 取得
1993年 9月入会,F.T.プログラム特別委員会 委員
1994年 専務室 委員
1995年 世界会議メモリアル特別委員会 委員
1996年 ビジネスプロジェクト委員会 副委員長
1997年 国際交流推進委員会 委員
1998年 JCI関係委員会 委員長(理事)
1999年 青少年開発委員会 委員
       日本JC 「心の教育」創造実践会議 委員
2000年 専務委員会 委員
2001年 国際コンファレンス委員会 会計幹事
       日本JC50周年記念推進会議 委員
2002年 副理事長
2003年 理事長

内平 徳勇
Uchihira, Norio
西嶋 宏行
Nishijima, Hiroyuki
千葉 悠晃
Chiba, Yuko
中川 俊
Nakagawa, Shun
下村 治生
Shimomura, Haruo

中山直前理事長 直前理事長
中山 広隆
Nakayama, Hirotaka

中野顧問 法制顧問
中野 友史
Nakano, Yuji

寺崎顧問 開発顧問
寺崎 浩幸
Terasaki, Hiroyuki

米田顧問 財政顧問
米田 篤史
Yoneda, Atsushi

藤原顧問 会員顧問
藤原 祟晴
Fujihara, Takaharu

瀬戸口特別顧問 特別顧問
瀬戸口 仁三郎
Setoguchi, Nisaburo

梅田監事 監事
梅田 稔
Umeda, Minoru

古田監事 監事
古田 実
Furuta, Minoru

山邑監事 監事
山邑 尚道
Yamamura, Takamichi


瀬戸口 仁三郎
Setoguchi, Nisaburo

生年月日 昭和38年11月5日
住所 神戸市中央区海岸通3 海岸ビル
勤務先 株式会社 築港 代表取締役社長
学歴 日本大学 卒業
1991年 9月入会,F.T.プログラム特別委員会 委員
1992年 専務委員会 委員
1993年 専務室 副委員長
       日本JC 総務委員会 委員
1994年 日本JC関係委員会 委員長
1995年 世界会議メモリアル特別委員会 幹事
       日本JC 総務委員会 副委員長
1996年 総務委員会 委員長(理事)
       兵庫ブロック 総務委員長会議 委員
1997年 総務室長(常任理事)
1998年 副理事長
       日本JC 「アカウンタビリティ社会」創造推進委員会 委員長
1999年 理事長
2000年 直前理事長
       日本JC 「終の住みか」創造グループ 担当常任理事
2001年 特別顧問
       日本JC 50周年記念推進会議 議長
2002年 特別顧問
       日本JC 副会頭
2003年 特別顧問
       日本JC 顧問

2003年度 社団法人 神戸青年会議所

Think Globally, Act Locally - Creating Leaders for Positive Change

- 変革の風を国際都市神戸に -





神戸青年会議所45周年 《 変革へのスタート 》


みなとまつり 《 新たなるネットワークづくり 》

 神戸青年会議所が今後の事業においてより大きな成果をあげていくためには、その目的を明確にした上で、地域の様々な組織や企業と密接に連携しながら、事業計画を立て、実施していくことが鍵となります。神戸青年会議所が時には行政や他団体と一緒になりsynergy (相乗効果)をもたらすことによって、神戸の街を私たちの子供たちが将来住みたいと思うような街に、そして、私たちにとっても生涯を通してずっと住み続けたい街にすることができると考えます。

メンバー・交流 《 魅力ある青年会議所づくり 》


ビジネス交流《 企業リーダーとしての能力開発 》





 人々が友情を育み、コミュニティに奉仕し、自らを鍛えられる場として、神戸青年会議所をより魅力的な組織にできるよう、私たちは、自分たちの時間を最善な方法で使い、チャンスを的確に捉え、行動していくべきです。 神戸青年会議所が2003年度チャレンジすべきことは、私たちを取り巻く人々、コミュニティ、組織に前向きな変革をもたらすための媒体としての役割を果たすことです。その変革は、家庭や職場、ひいては社会における生活の質の向上をもたらすこととなるでしょう。

    (米国 第35代大統領 J.F.ケネディ)


2003 Kobe Junior Chamber, Inc.
President's Statement

Think Globally, Act Locally - Creating Leaders for Positive Change
- Let's create winds of change in the International City of Kobe! -

Creating new challenges brings new opportunities.
These opportunities enable us to expand our horizons.
As our horizons and visions expand,
our desire to serve our communities arise and the way to do so discovered.
While views on life are formulated from individual perspectives, it is essential to reevaluate
our own priorities and accommodate them in our lifecycles in view of the needs of each era.

 In 2003 the Kobe Junior Chamber, Inc. will celebrate its 45th anniversary. This year, we will review its history, develop and launch action plans which incorporate the ideas of our members for the creation of a clean and affluent city, by verifying the needs of the current social and economic environment.


 I was born and raised in Kobe. It has always been my only home, except for a few years I spent studying in the US. After my return, I've been tempted many times to move out to a bigger city such as Tokyo and pursue new business opportunities. Due to the nature of my work, which involves international trading, I've had numerous opportunities to visit many cities around the world and, of course, all over Japan. As a result, I've come to realize that the quality of life that our city Kobe provides to its residents and visitors can be found nowhere else. The people in Kobe can share among each other different ideas, languages, traditions and even foods. Our families and friends in this community have enriched their lives with the diverse international community and the very friendly people of Kobe.
 As the 45th president of the Kobe JC, it will be my mission to convey the comfort of this city to people all over Japan and the world, and at the same time to remind the people in this city of the wonderful value of Kobe. We all have to examine the existing environment from the perspective of a global citizen and identify the areas that need to change for the betterment of the community to benefit not only ourselves but future generations.

Kobe JC's 45th Anniversary - The Beginning of Change

 This is an important year and time to bring a positive change to the Kobe JC, by reviewing all the achievements our predecessors have accomplished throughout its history over the last 44 years. We would like to remind our members that the phenomenal effects the Kobe JC has offered in the economic, political and social areas were created by our "senpais" (seniors), who carried out various projects meeting the needs of each age.
 It is now time for us to give a clear direction on what needs to be changed, and refine the appeal of the Kobe JC in light of the upcoming 50th anniversary. We must define our goals in order to generate a positive change in our organization.
 It is my belief that a unified direction will unite the members of Kobe JC, allowing us to act energetically yet maintaining harmony in order to make our city and community an even better place to live.
 We also must remember our own families who continually support our active participation in JC activities. This year, we will organize various events where the members' families can attend so that they can deepen their understanding of Kobe JC and more willingly support our members' participation in JC activities.

Minato Matsuri - Developing Networks through the Port Festival

 During the last 44 years the Kobe JC has successfully implemented a number of remarkable projects that have brought great pride to us as current members. These inherited traditions and experiences were fully demonstrated at the "Minato Matsuri" (Port Festival) held in Kobe last July. This festival was not only a great success in terms of the detailed preparations made by all of our members and the "Minato Matsuri Executive Committee", but it offered a great opportunity for us to build new networks with the city of Kobe, local corporations, various organizations and other regional non-profit organizations that all supported the project.
 In pursuing further achievements even on a larger scale, the Kobe JC first needs to define its goals. It will then become essential to develop project plans and carry them out while closely collaborating with various organizations and corporations in the local communities. The synergy generated by the Kobe JC together with the local governments and other various organizations will allow Kobe city to grow as the place where our children will want to live in the future and where we would like to live all through our lives.

Membership Relations - Developing an Appealing JC

 The membership of the Kobe JC unfortunately has been on the decline in the last few years. In fact, this has been the trend for most of other JC chapters. We feel that the deteriorating economic condition in Kobe and most parts of the Hyogo area has been the key reason for this decline.
 I find two other reasons that may have contributed to the decline of the membership: firstly, the majority of activities, events and projects that Kobe JC has developed may have lacked an effective PR initiative and secondly, we may not have fully communicated the differential advantages and values of KobeJC in light of many other active organizations that are also energetically working to better Kobe and our society.
 Our challenge this year is to re-evaluate our activities and projects, effectively conveying as much information as possible about our activities to the community and its leaders, and letting more people know about the Kobe JC. By implementing effective public relation efforts, we will be able to enhance our members' and general public's awareness and understanding of our achievements which can be successfully noted through the various activities. The Kobe JC's existing value will thus hopefully be acknowledged and appeal to more young people who are can be potentially members to join our organization.
 There are roughly 750 LOMs (or more commonly called local chapters) that belong to the Japan JC, with a total individual membership of less than 50,000 people across Japan. Japan Junior Chamber, Inc is part of a larger international group called Junior Chamber International. It is essential to share experiences with other LOMs within Japan and along with those around the world in order to develop and carry out effective projects for our members and local communities. Active participation in national and international JC conventions provide our members with numerous opportunities to gain experiences and learn from other JC members. By exchanging opinions with members of other LOMs and various other organizations and by even jointly organizing a project with such groups and individuals, we can foster new friendships and broaden our vision. Such interaction will help us generate ideas to better plan and implement our projects in Kobe.
 To strengthen our organizational capabilities and maintain our members' active participation in the various projects, emphasis in increasing membership from a broad range of businesses and interest group is needed. We must once again examine our membership target so that we can welcome new members from diverse backgrounds, who as a result, will offer all our members opportunities to learn from interactions with different cultures and industries. Such experiences will contribute to the development of our members' character and as leadership ability.

Management Skills Development - Creating Responsible Corporate Leaders

 It has been considered a taboo to openly discuss and pursue business opportunities through JC activities. However, the Japan JC launched several business exchange-based projects last year. This year, we are planning to offer our members opportunities to learn from the experiences of corporate leaders in various fields. We, as leaders, are constantly confronted with the issue of how to develop business management skills. We hope to provide our members with valuable resources through new learning opportunities and let each member grow to become an excellent leader at home, at work and in the community . Furthermore, we plan to invite prominent corporate leaders to Kobe and show them the great attributes of this city, with the ultimate goal of inviting more industries to locate in the Kobe area.
 We are accumulating valuable experiences through our own businesses and organizations. However, we have seldom had opportunities through JC activities to openly share our own knowledge and experiences with each other. By sharing our own experiences and enlightening each other, I believe that each member can further widen their knowledge and experiences, as a result fostering friendships as well.

Effective and Efficient Management of Kobe Junior Chamber.

 Now may be the time for us to carefully reevaluate our traditional way of operating and managing our organization. We must examine alternative methods that will generate renewed effectiveness, efficiency and excitement while maintaining the prestige of our organization. Simultaneously, the recent changes in the financial mechanism and continued downturn in our economy require us to re-evaluate the strategies to manage our assets. As any business would do, when developing an asset management strategy, we will continually initiate a basic cost/benefit analysis of each project and overall assets of the Kobe Junior Chamber, Inc.
 By promoting efficient management techniques to meet the needs of this era, we hope to build a system that will encourage each member to participate in JC more actively.

Let's create winds of change in the international City of Kobe

 We will optimize our time, identify and pursue the right opportunities, and take action so that Kobe Junior Chamber, Inc can become an even more appealing organization to foster friendship, serve local communities and acquire self-development skills . Our challenge this year is to play a role as catalysts that brings a positive change to the our members, leaders of the local communities and business organizations. This change is expected to improve family lifestyle, work environment, and ultimately the quality of life in of the people in Kobe.
 Kobe being one of the oldest cities in Japan, which opened its doors to foreign influence, we would like to envision a society that would contribute and support the efforts of all people and organizations with similar goals and values.

    We can help make the world safe for diversity.
    For in the final analysis,
    our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet.
    We all breathe the same air.
    We all cherish our children's future.
    And we are all mortal.
    - John F. Kennedy, The 35th President of the USA, June 10, 1963

 I believe our most essential task today is to nurture a society that accepts diversity, while cherishing and respecting the characteristics of all individuals. The combination of these different thoughts, ideas and experiences shall be identified as strengths and utilized to formulate a brighter future for the coming generation of youth.

-> 2002年度基本方針

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